Universal conductance fluctuations in indium tin oxide nanowires

Ping Yu Yang*, L. Y. Wang, Yao Wen Hsu, Juhn-Jong Lin


研究成果: Article同行評審

27 引文 斯高帕斯(Scopus)


Magnetic-field-dependent universal conductance fluctuations (UCFs) are observed in weakly disordered indium tin oxide nanowires from 0.26 K up to ∼25 K. The fluctuation magnitudes increase with decreasing temperature, reaching a fraction of e2/h at T 1 K. The shape of the UCF patterns is found to be very sensitive to thermal cycling of the sample to room temperature, which induces irreversible impurity reconfigurations. On the other hand, the UCF magnitudes are insensitive to thermal cycling. Our measured temperature dependence of the root-mean-square UCF magnitudes is compared with the existing theory. A notable discrepancy is found, which seems to imply that the experimental UCFs are not cut off by the thermal diffusion length L T, as would be expected by the theoretical prediction when L T<L, where L is the electron dephasing length. The approximate electron dephasing length is inferred from the UCF magnitudes and compared with that extracted from the weak-localization magnetoresistance studies. A reasonable semiquantitative agreement is observed.

期刊Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics
出版狀態Published - 14 2月 2012


深入研究「Universal conductance fluctuations in indium tin oxide nanowires」主題。共同形成了獨特的指紋。
