Unconventional Optical Matter of Hybrid Metal-Dielectric Nanoparticles at Interfaces

Boris Louis, Chih Hao Huang, Marc Melendez, Ana Sánchez-Iglesias, Jorge Olmos-Trigo, Sudipta Seth, Susana Rocha, Rafael Delgado-Buscalioni, Luis M. Liz-Marzán, Manuel I. Marqués, Hiroshi Masuhara*, Johan Hofkens*, Roger Bresolí-Obach*


研究成果: Article同行評審


Optical matter, a transient arrangement formed by the interaction of light with micro/nanoscale objects, provides responsive and highly tunable materials that allow for controlling and manipulating light and/or matter. A combined experimental and theoretical exploration of optical matter is essential to advance our understanding of the phenomenon and potentially design applications. Most studies have focused on nanoparticles composed of a single material (either metallic or dielectric), representing two extreme regimes, one where the gradient force (dielectric) and one where the scattering force (metallic) dominates. To understand their role, it is important to investigate hybrid materials with different metallic-to-dielectric ratios. Here, we combine numerical calculations and experiments on hybrid metal-dielectric core-shell particles (200 nm gold spheres coated with silica shells with thicknesses ranging from 0 to 100 nm). We reveal how silica shell thickness critically influences the essential properties of optical binding, such as interparticle distance, reducing it below the anticipated optical binding length. Notably, for silica shells thicker than 50 nm, we observed a transition from a linear arrangement perpendicular to polarization to a hexagonal arrangement accompanied by a circular motion. Further, the dynamic swarming assembly changes from the conventional dumbbell-shaped to lobe-like morphologies. These phenomena, confirmed by both experimental observations and dynamic numerical calculations, demonstrate the complex dynamics of optical matter and underscore the potential for tuning its properties for applications.

頁(從 - 到)32746-32758
期刊ACS Nano
出版狀態Published - 26 11月 2024


深入研究「Unconventional Optical Matter of Hybrid Metal-Dielectric Nanoparticles at Interfaces」主題。共同形成了獨特的指紋。
