Threshold voltage design of UTB SOI SRAM with improved stability/ variability for ultralow voltage near subthreshold operation

Vita Pi Ho Hu, Ming Long Fan, Pin Su, Ching Te Chuang

研究成果: Review article同行評審

7 引文 斯高帕斯(Scopus)


This paper analyzes and compares the stability, margin, performance, and variability of ultrathin-body (UTB) SOI 6T SRAM cells operating near the subthreshold region with different threshold voltage (Vth) design. Our results indicate that UTB SOI 6T SRAM cell using low Vth devices (Vth= 0.19 V) shows a comparable read static noise margin (RSNM), 41% improvement in σRSNM, 84% improvement in write static noise margin (WSNM), and 67% improvement in σWSNM as comparaed with the case using higher Vth devices (Vth = 0.49 V). As Vth decreases (work function moves to the band edge), the 'cell' access time improves significantly with correspondingly higher standby leakage. For low Vth devices (Vth= 0.19 V), it is shown that lowering bit-line precharge voltage by 50 mV reduces the standby leakage by 20%. Our study suggests that the lower Vth devices operating slightly into super-threshold region improve the stability/variability significantly and offer higher performance for ultralow voltage SRAM applications.

頁(從 - 到)524-531
期刊IEEE Transactions on Nanotechnology
出版狀態Published - 26 7月 2013


深入研究「Threshold voltage design of UTB SOI SRAM with improved stability/ variability for ultralow voltage near subthreshold operation」主題。共同形成了獨特的指紋。
