Strategies for high-tech academia uprising in 21 century

Bing Sheu*, Chung Yu Wu, Chin Teng Lin, Bin Da Liu, Mark Liao, Bill Tai, Jui Lin Lai, Rong Jian Chen




    Many factors directly affect the uprising in high-tech academia in the 21 st Century. The major ones include, but not limited to, (A) governmental/institutional investment, (B) technical breakthrough, and (C) influential participation in professional societies. These factors are entangled among one another. The overall impacts are the product from (A), (B), and (C). If a modern weapon system is used as an example, then factors (A) and (B) are related to the design/development of powerful and precision war-heads. On the other hand, a capable delivery system, such as cruise missile or stealth bomber, will be the subject for factor (C). Similarly, each researcher will wish to make significant and long-lasting impacts to the scientific community. In this talk, we will examine factor (C) in great detail. Especially, an innovative and collaborative effort on "Globalization Leadership Professors Promotion Committee" (GLPPC) will be highly elaborated.

    出版狀態Published - 12月 2004
    事件2004 IEEE Asia-Pacific Conference on Circuits and Systems, APCCAS 2004: SoC Design for Ubiquitous Information Technology - Tainan, 台灣
    持續時間: 6 12月 20049 12月 2004


    Conference2004 IEEE Asia-Pacific Conference on Circuits and Systems, APCCAS 2004: SoC Design for Ubiquitous Information Technology


    深入研究「Strategies for high-tech academia uprising in 21 century」主題。共同形成了獨特的指紋。
