Statistical-based wavelet denoising technique for dynamic FDOPA-PET images analysis

K. P. Lin*, H. D. Lin, C. L. Yu, L. C. Wu, R. S. Liu


研究成果: Conference article同行評審


In generally, the dynamic positron emission tomographic image (PET) that imaging with FDOPA plays as a powerful functional image tool to clinical diagnosis for the tissue disorders of Parkinson's disease. However, high noise is always shown in dynamic FDOPA, so that the accuracy of the pixel-based parametric image is not easy to achieved. To improve the quality problem of PET image, a novel subband denoising technique is provided in this paper. The method is based on the subband transformation and the statistical features in each subbands of the PET image.

頁(從 - 到)494-497
期刊Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology - Proceedings
出版狀態Published - 7月 2000
事件22nd Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society - Chicago, IL, United States
持續時間: 23 7月 200028 7月 2000


深入研究「Statistical-based wavelet denoising technique for dynamic FDOPA-PET images analysis」主題。共同形成了獨特的指紋。
