Spin-glass transition and giant paramagnetism in heavily hole-doped Bi 2Sr2Co2Oy

Hung Chang Hsu, Wei Li Lee, Jiunn-Yuan Lin, Ben-Li Young, Hsiang Hsi Kung, Jian Huang, Fang Cheng Chou

研究成果: Article同行評審

1 引文 斯高帕斯(Scopus)


Hole-doped single crystals of misfit-layered cobaltate Bi 2-xPbxSr2-zCo2Oy (x = 0-0.61, y = 8.28-8.62, and z = 0.01-0.22) have been successfully grown using the optical floating-zone method. Heavier hole doping has been achieved through both Pb substitution in the Bi site and the more effective Sr vacancy formation. The Co4+ : Co3+ ratio can be raised significantly from its original ∼1 : 1 to 4.5 : 1, as confirmed by iodometric titration. A spin-glass transition temperature of Tg ∼ 70K is confirmed by ac susceptibility measurement when the Co4+ : Co3+ ratio becomes higher than 2 : 1, presumably owing to the significantly increased probability of triangular geometrical frustration among antiferromagnetically coupled localized Co4+ spins.

原文American English
期刊Journal of the Physical Society of Japan
出版狀態Published - 15 2月 2014


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