Resin-fiber wetting and bonding in resin transfer molding and structural reaction injection molding

N. Patel*, L. J. Lee, W. B. Young, M. J. Liou


研究成果: Paper同行評審

5 引文 斯高帕斯(Scopus)


Resin transfer molding (RTM) is an attractive alternative for the production of high performance composites in terms of both production economics and versatility. Structural reaction injection molding (SRIM) is in principle, similar to resin transfer molding. SRIM uses a RIM machine to fill the mold and the injection pressure in very high (of the order of 2.4 MPa). Here the chemical reaction is activated by impingement mixing. The objective of this paper is to study resin-fiber wetting and bonding in RTM/SRIM. Two types of experiments were carried out in this study: experiments to study the filling characteristics of reinforcements using a non-reactive Newtonian liquid, and experiments to analyze the effects of flow rate and reinforcement temperature on the wetting and bonding at the fiber-resin interface, and hence on the tensile strength of composite samples.

出版狀態Published - 1991
事件49th Annual Technical Conference -ANTEC '91 - Montreal, Que, Can
持續時間: 5 5月 19919 5月 1991


Conference49th Annual Technical Conference -ANTEC '91
城市Montreal, Que, Can


深入研究「Resin-fiber wetting and bonding in resin transfer molding and structural reaction injection molding」主題。共同形成了獨特的指紋。
