Pricing 5G Network Slices Based on NFV MANO

Zhao Ru Chen, Fuchun Joseph Lin*, Chia Hsuan Yu, Wan Hsun Hu


研究成果: Conference contribution同行評審


The pricing of 5G services is very challenging because all 5G network components are moving toward software-based Virtual Network Function (VNF) enabled by Network Functions Virtualization (NFV). As network slices are used to deliver 5G services, pricing 5G services requires a good understanding of resource usage by a 5G network slice so that the pricing can be done in a systematic and logical way. To assist telecom operators in designing reasonable pricing for 5G services, we proposed a pricing procedure based on Network Service Descriptor (NSD) defined by ETSI NFV Industry Specification Group in our previous research. An NSD includes the descriptors of many constituent objects for the deployment of a 5G network slice. It has complex references between objects from different levels. Analyzing NSD manually to price the resource usage by a network slice is a complicated process. We convert the manual analysis developed before into a computer-aided 5GSlicePricingTool. Moreover, we apply the tool to price V2X services to illustrate the feasibility of pricing 5G slices with more automation.

主出版物標題Proceedings of the Future Technologies Conference, FTC 2021, Volume 3
編輯Kohei Arai
發行者Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH
出版狀態Published - 2022
事件6th Future Technologies Conference, FTC 2021 - Virtual, Online
持續時間: 28 10月 202129 10月 2021


名字Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems
360 LNNS


Conference6th Future Technologies Conference, FTC 2021
城市Virtual, Online


深入研究「Pricing 5G Network Slices Based on NFV MANO」主題。共同形成了獨特的指紋。
