Power scale-up and propagation evolution of structured laser beams concentrated on 3D Lissajous parametric surfaces

J. C. Tung*, H. C. Liang, Y. C. Lin, Kuan-Wei Su, Kai-Feng Huang, Yung-Fu Chen


研究成果: Article同行評審

10 引文 斯高帕斯(Scopus)


We systematically explore the power scale-up and propagation evolution of Lissajous structured beams in a lowly Nd-doped YVO4 laser with the off-axis pumping scheme. We experimentally found that the average output power can be up to 1.0 W for the output transmission in the range of 1.8-10% at an incident pump power of 6.2 W. It is also found that when the output transmission is greater than 5%, the spatial coherence is considerably reduced to lead to a feature of broken Lissajous figures in transverse patterns. Moreover, transverse patterns varying with propagation direction are remarkably measured to manifest the 3D characteristics of Lissajous structured beams. We also employ the formula of coherent states to make a comparison with experimental observations and to reveal the transverse momentum density varying with propagation direction.

期刊Laser Physics Letters
出版狀態Published - 1 12月 2014


深入研究「Power scale-up and propagation evolution of structured laser beams concentrated on 3D Lissajous parametric surfaces」主題。共同形成了獨特的指紋。
