Non-linear principal resonance of an orthotropic and magnetoelastic rectangular plate

C. X. Xue, E. Pan*, Q. K. Han, S. Y. Zhang, H. J. Chu


研究成果: Article同行評審

17 引文 斯高帕斯(Scopus)


Based on the von Karman plate theory of large deflection, we have derived a non-linear partial differential equation for the vibration of a thin orthotropic plate under the combined action of a transverse magnetic field and a transverse harmonic mechanical load. The influence of the magnetic field is due to the magnetic Lorentz force induced by the eddy current. By employing the BubnovGalerkin method, the non-linear partial differential equation is transformed into a third-order non-linear ordinary differential equation. The amplitude-frequency equations are further derived by means of the multiple-scale method. As numerical examples for an orthotropic plate made of silver, the influence of the magnetic field, orthotropic material property, plate thickness, and the mechanical load on the principal resonance behavior is investigated. The higher-order effect and stability of the solution are also discussed.

頁(從 - 到)703-710
期刊International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics
出版狀態Published - 6月 2011


深入研究「Non-linear principal resonance of an orthotropic and magnetoelastic rectangular plate」主題。共同形成了獨特的指紋。
