Neuronal correlates of consistency and frequency effects on Chinese character naming: An event-related fMRI study

Chia Ying Lee, Jie Li Tsai, Wen Jui Kuo, Tzu Chen Yeh, Yu Te Wu, Low Tone Ho, Daisy L. Hung, Ovid J.L. Tzeng, Jen Chuen Hsieh*


研究成果: Article同行評審

85 引文 斯高帕斯(Scopus)


This event-related functional magnetic resonance imaging (efMRI) study aims to investigate the central representations of Chinese orthography-to-phonology transformation (OPT) by simultaneously manipulating character frequency and consistency. Bilateral inferior frontal cortices (including Broca's area and insula), the left temporoparietal region (superior parietal gyrus and supramarginal gyrus), and the left temporal-occipital junction showed greater activation, especially in low-frequency conditions, when naming inconsistent characters as compared to consistent ones. These findings suggest that these regions are involved in the sublexical conversion of orthographic input into phonological codes in naming Chinese. The similar activation pattern found in these three regions suggests a distributed process, rather than separate neural routes, for lexical and sublexical OPT. In addition, the regions involved in Chinese OPT are congruent with the findings for reading alphabetic scripts and indicate that the neuronal mechanisms for orthography-to-phonology transformation is domain universal across different writing systems.

頁(從 - 到)1235-1245
出版狀態Published - 12月 2004


深入研究「Neuronal correlates of consistency and frequency effects on Chinese character naming: An event-related fMRI study」主題。共同形成了獨特的指紋。
