Model-Based Synthetic Sampling for Imbalanced Data

Chien-Liang Liu*, Po-Yen Hsieh


研究成果: Article同行評審

55 引文 斯高帕斯(Scopus)


Imbalanced data is characterized by the severe difference in observation frequency between classes and has received a lot of attention in data mining research. The prediction performances usually deteriorate as classifiers learn from imbalanced data, as most classifiers assume the class distribution is balanced or the costs for different types of classification errors are equal. Although several methods have been devised to deal with imbalance problems, it is still difficult to generalize those methods to achieve stable improvement in most cases. In this study, we propose a novel framework called model-based synthetic sampling (MBS) to cope with imbalance problems, in which we integrate modeling and sampling techniques to generate synthetic data. The key idea behind the proposed method is to use regression models to capture the relationship between features and to consider data diversity in the process of data generation. We conduct experiments on thirteen datasets and compare the proposed method with ten methods. The experimental results indicate that the proposed method is not only comparative but also stable. We also provide detailed investigations and visualizations of the proposed method to empirically demonstrate why it could generate good data samples.
頁(從 - 到)1543-1556
期刊IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering
出版狀態Published - 1 8月 2020


深入研究「Model-Based Synthetic Sampling for Imbalanced Data」主題。共同形成了獨特的指紋。
