Mesh pose-editing using examples

Tong Yee Lee*, Chao Hung Lin, Hung Kuo Chu, Yu-Shuen Wang, Shao Wei Yen, Chang Rung Tsai


研究成果: Article同行評審

7 引文 斯高帕斯(Scopus)


An easy-to-use mesh pose-editing system is presented. We take advantage of both skeleton-based and example-based approaches in order to provide an intuitive way for artists to edit mesh poses. Our system automatically extracts the skeletons of the remaining example models once the skeleton of a reference mesh is constructed. In our editing system the desired skeleton can be easily and naturally posed using an inverse kinematics (IK) algorithm incorporated with searching the optimal weights in the defined skeleton space of examples meshes. Eventually, the desired shape with detailed deformation can be constructed by blending the example meshes. Experimental results show that the proposed system provides an easy and intuitive control on mesh pose-editing.

頁(從 - 到)235-245
期刊Computer Animation and Virtual Worlds
出版狀態Published - 9月 2007


深入研究「Mesh pose-editing using examples」主題。共同形成了獨特的指紋。
