Mechanistic and Kinetic Insights into Cellular Uptake of Biomimetic Dinitrosyl Iron Complexes and Intracellular Delivery of NO for Activation of Cytoprotective HO-1

Han Chiu, Anyelina Chau Fang, Yi Hong Chen, Ru Xin Koi, Kai Ching Yu, Li Hung Hsieh, Yueh Ming Shyu, Tarik Abdelkareem Mostafa Amer, Yi Jen Hsueh, Yu Ting Tsao, Yang Jin Shen, Yun Ming Wang, Hung Chi Chen*, Yu Jen Lu*, Chieh Cheng Huang*, Tsai Te Lu*


研究成果: Article同行評審

1 引文 斯高帕斯(Scopus)


Dinitrosyl iron unit (DNIU), [Fe(NO)2], is a natural metallocofactor for biological storage, delivery, and metabolism of nitric oxide (NO). In the attempt to gain a biomimetic insight into the natural DNIU under biological system, in this study, synthetic dinitrosyl iron complexes (DNICs) [(NO)2Fe(μ-SCH2CH2COOH)2Fe(NO)2] (DNIC-COOH) and [(NO)2Fe(μ-SCH2CH2COOCH3)2Fe(NO)2] (DNIC-COOMe) were employed to investigate the structure-reactivity relationship of mechanism and kinetics for cellular uptake of DNICs, intracellular delivery of NO, and activation of cytoprotective heme oxygenase (HO)-1. After rapid cellular uptake of dinuclear DNIC-COOMe through a thiol-mediated pathway (tmax = 0.5 h), intracellular assembly of mononuclear DNIC [(NO)2Fe(SR)(SCys)]n−/[(NO)2Fe(SR)(SCys-protein)]n− occurred, followed by O2-induced release of free NO (tmax = 1-2 h) or direct transfer of NO to soluble guanylate cyclase, which triggered the downstream HO-1. In contrast, steady kinetics for cellular uptake of DNIC-COOH via endocytosis (tmax = 2-8 h) and for intracellular release of NO (tmax = 4-6 h) reflected on the elevated activation of cytoprotective HO-1 (∼50-150-fold change at t = 3-10 h) and on the improved survival of DNIC-COOH-primed mesenchymal stem cell (MSC)/human corneal endothelial cell (HCEC) under stressed conditions. Consequently, this study unravels the bridging thiolate ligands in dinuclear DNIC-COOH/DNIC-COOMe as a switch to control the mechanism, kinetics, and efficacy for cellular uptake of DNICs, intracellular delivery of NO, and activation of cytoprotective HO-1, which poses an implication on enhanced survival of postengrafted MSC for advancing the MSC-based regenerative medicine.

頁(從 - 到)1550-1569
出版狀態Published - 22 4月 2024


深入研究「Mechanistic and Kinetic Insights into Cellular Uptake of Biomimetic Dinitrosyl Iron Complexes and Intracellular Delivery of NO for Activation of Cytoprotective HO-1」主題。共同形成了獨特的指紋。
