Measurement accuracy of a stand-alone oscillometric central blood pressure monitor: A validation report for microlife WatchBP office central

Hao Min Cheng, Shih Hsien Sung, Yuan Ta Shih, Shao Yuan Chuang, Wen Chung Yu, Chen Huan Chen*


研究成果: Article同行評審

34 引文 斯高帕斯(Scopus)


Background The superiority of prognostic value of blood pressure (BP) measured at central aorta (CBP) over conventional brachial BP measured by cuff-based BP monitors has reignited the development of new noninvasive techniques for estimating CBP. The present study validated the accuracy of CBP measured by a newly developed stand-alone CBP monitor. Methods The CBP monitor provided readings of brachial systolic BP (SBP), brachial diastolic BP (DBP), central SBP, and central pulse pressure (PP). Brachial PP and central DBP were calculated from the relevant readings. The accuracy of the brachial and central SBP, PP, and DBP was validated against the simultaneously recorded invasively measured central aortic SBP, PP, and DBP, according to the invasive standard requirements for the noninvasive brachial BP monitors from the Association for the Advancement of Medical Instrumentation (AAMI) in 85 subjects (255 measurements; age range, 30-93 years). Results The mean differences of cuff BP with reference to the invasively measured central SBP, PP, and DBP were-2.6±9.0,-8.6±11.2, and 6.1±7.0mm Hg, respectively, with the former two being obviously underestimated at high CBP and overestimated at low CBP. In contrast, the corresponding differences for the central SBP, PP, and DBP measured by the CBP monitor were-0.6±5.5,-0.4±7.0, and-0.2±6.5mm Hg, respectively, without obvious systematic bias. The distribution of measurement errors for central SBP, PP, and DBP surpassed the AAMI criteria.Conclusion Central SBP, PP, and DBP can be measured accurately by a stand-alone automatic BP monitor.

頁(從 - 到)42-50
期刊American Journal of Hypertension
出版狀態Published - 1月 2013


深入研究「Measurement accuracy of a stand-alone oscillometric central blood pressure monitor: A validation report for microlife WatchBP office central」主題。共同形成了獨特的指紋。
