Intellectual capital: An empirical study of ITRI

Po-Young Chu*, Yu Ling Lin, Hsing Hwa Hsiung, Tzu Yar Liu


研究成果: Article同行評審

96 引文 斯高帕斯(Scopus)


Intellectual capital (IC) could provide a new instrument for observing organizational hidden value. While most intellectual capital studies are either theoretical or exploratory, some western research facilities are publishing annual reports based on intellectual capital. Nevertheless, Asian empirical studies are much rarer than western ones, let alone conducting comparison among them. Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI), founded in 1973, is a non-profit national R&D organization, aiming to develop Taiwan industrial technologies. This paper firstly attempts to associate the components of the intellectual capital, namely, human capital, structural capital and relational capital with the value/performance of ITRI. Secondly, we find intellectual capital highly relevant to the value creation process and warrant strategic accumulation for R&D organizations.

頁(從 - 到)886-902
期刊Technological Forecasting and Social Change
出版狀態Published - 9月 2006


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