Infrared spectra of protonated and hydrogenated corannulene (C20H10) and sumanene (C21H12) using matrix isolation in solid para-hydrogen - Implications for the UIR bands

Pavithraa Sundararajan, Masashi Tsuge, Masaaki Baba, Hidehiro Sakurai, Yuan-Pern Lee

研究成果: Article同行評審


Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) and their derivatives, including protonated and cationic species, are suspected to be carriers of the unidentified infrared (UIR) emission bands observed from the galactic and extragalactic sources. We investigated the infrared (IR) spectra of protonated nonplanar PAHs: Corannulene (C20H10) and sumanene (C21H12), that are regarded as a fragments of a fullerene, C60. The protonated corannulene H+C20H10 and sumanene H+C21H12 were produced in seperate experiments by bombarding a mixture of corannulene/ sumanene and para-hydrogen (p-H2) with electrons during deposition at 3.2 K. During maintenance of the electron-bombarded matrix in darkness the intensities of IR lines of protonated corannulene decreased because of neutralization by electrons that were slowly released from the trapped sites whereas the hydrogenated species were produced. The observed lines were classified into several groups according to their responses to darkness and secondary irradiation at 365 nm/385 nm LEDs. Spectral assignments were derived based on a comparison of the observed spectra with those predicted with the B3PW91/6-311+ +G(2d,2p) method. The observed IR spectrum of hub-H+C20H10, the most stable protonated isomer, resembles several bands of the Class-A UIR bands.

頁(從 - 到)358-360
期刊Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union
出版狀態Accepted/In press - 2020


深入研究「Infrared spectra of protonated and hydrogenated corannulene (C20H10) and sumanene (C21H12) using matrix isolation in solid para-hydrogen - Implications for the UIR bands」主題。共同形成了獨特的指紋。
