Fast discovery of VM-sensitive divergence points with basic block comparison

Yen Ju Liu*, Chong Kuan Chen, Michael Cheng Yi Cho, Shiuhpyng Shieh


研究成果: Conference contribution同行評審


To evade VM-based malware analysis systems, VM-aware malware equipped with the ability to detect the presence of virtual machine has appeared. To cope with the problem, detecting VM-aware malware and locating VM-sensitive divergence points of VM-aware malware is in urgent need. In this paper, we propose a novel block-based divergence locator. In contrast to the conventional instruction-based schemes, the block-based divergence locator divides malware program into basic blocks, instead of binary instructions, and uses them as the analysis unit. The block-based divergence locator significantly decrease the cost of behavior logging and trace comparison, as well as the size of behavior traces. As the evaluation showed, behavior logging is 23.87-39.49 times faster than the conventional schemes. The total number of analysis unit, which is highly related to the cost of trace comparisons, is 11.95%-16.00% of the conventional schemes. Consequently, VM-sensitive divergence points can be discovered more efficiently. The correctness of our divergence point discovery algorithm is also proved formally in this paper.

主出版物標題Proceedings - 8th International Conference on Software Security and Reliability, SERE 2014
發行者Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.
出版狀態Published - 1 1月 2014
事件8th International Conference on Software Security and Reliability, SERE 2014 - San Francisco, 美國
持續時間: 30 6月 20142 7月 2014


名字Proceedings - 8th International Conference on Software Security and Reliability, SERE 2014


Conference8th International Conference on Software Security and Reliability, SERE 2014
城市San Francisco


深入研究「Fast discovery of VM-sensitive divergence points with basic block comparison」主題。共同形成了獨特的指紋。
