Exercise, nutrition, and medication considerations in the light of the COVID pandemic, with specific focus on geriatric population: A literature review

Yi Chiang Yang, Cheng Liang Chou, Chung Lan Kao*


研究成果: Review article同行評審

21 引文 斯高帕斯(Scopus)


The pandemic of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 has spread across the world, causing causalities and inflicting chronic complications in those who survive the infection. Disruptions in the immune system and lowered physical levels caused by quarantine protocols are the major causes of chronic dysfunction and impaired life independency, especially in elderly patients. Multiple exercise suggestions and novel program delivery methods, including telerehabilitation/tele-exercise programs, home-gym strategies, and exergames, have emerged. Patients with underlying obesity, diabetes mellitus, malnutrition, or binge-eating problems are at a high risk of serious infection and sequela. Adequate education and coping strategies can lessen the potential infection complications and improve the quality of life. Acknowledging the possible benefits and risks of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug usage in chronic pain patients, and the supplementation of vitamin D may also aid in treating post-infected patients.

頁(從 - 到)977-980
期刊Journal of the Chinese Medical Association
出版狀態Published - 11月 2020


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