Effects of mis-positioning a new cuffless blood pressure sensor and optimal design via a 3d fluid-solid-electric finite element model

Tse Yi Tu, Yung Hua Kao, Paul C.-P. Chao, Durgesh Samadhiya



The effects of mis-positioning a newly-designed noninvasive, cuffless blood pressure sensor are thoroughly investigated via simulation and analysis on a 3D fluid-solidelectric finite element model. A subsequent optimal design of this blood pressure is conducted based on the aforementioned mis-positioning effects. A highly-Accurate, non-invasive, cuffless blood pressure (BP) sensor was successfully developed recently for an effective personal monitoring device on blood pressures. This new small-sized, portable blood pressure sensor is able to offer continuous BP measurements. The availability of continuous blood pressures are important for monitoring and evaluating personal cardiovascular systems. The sensor contains a strain-sensitive electrode encapsulated by flexible polymer. As the sensor placed on the position right on the top of the center of the wrist pulsation area, the deflection of the sensor induces the resistance changes of the electrode. By measuring the changes in electrode resistance, the level of pulsation is successfully quantified. Subsequent calculation based in this measurement can lead to fair estimates on blood pressures.


ConferenceASME 2015 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, IDETC/CIE 2015


深入研究「Effects of mis-positioning a new cuffless blood pressure sensor and optimal design via a 3d fluid-solid-electric finite element model」主題。共同形成了獨特的指紋。
