Dynamic response of a transversely isotropic and multilayered poroelastic medium subjected to a moving load

Kaifu Liu, Zhiqing Zhang*, Ernian Pan*


研究成果: Article同行評審

22 引文 斯高帕斯(Scopus)


The dynamic response of a transversely isotropic and multilayered poroelastic medium over an impermeable rigid base due to a surface moving strip load with constant speed is investigated. First, the moving load and induced response of any field quantity are expanded in the form of Fourier series. Then, based on the Biot's poroelastodynamic theory, the governing equations in terms of the displacement and pore pressure components are decoupled via a potential-function method, and the corresponding general solutions in each layer are derived. A recursive relation for the field quantities is established by utilizing the powerful dual variable and position method along with the continuity conditions on the layer interface. By virtue of the boundary conditions, semi-analytical solutions for the transversely isotropic and multilayered poroelastic medium with different surface hydraulic conditions are finally derived. After verifying the accuracy of the developed solutions by comparison with existing solutions, the effects of surface hydraulic condition, material anisotropy, layer thickness, material layering and load speed on the dynamic response are analyzed in detail. Results show that the effects of material anisotropy and layering are significant for the accurate assessment of the dynamic response induced by the moving strip load over a transversely isotropic and poroelastic medium.

期刊Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering
出版狀態Published - 4月 2022


深入研究「Dynamic response of a transversely isotropic and multilayered poroelastic medium subjected to a moving load」主題。共同形成了獨特的指紋。
