Drag reduction study of naturally occurring oscillating axial flow induced by helical corrugated surface in Taylor-Couette flow

Md Abdur Razzak*, Khoo Boo Cheong, Kim Boon Lua, C. M.J. Tay


研究成果: Article同行評審


This study investigates drag reduction capability of naturally occurring-oscillating axial secondary flow (ASF) induced by helical-corrugated surface in Taylor-Couette flow (TCFHelical) for three values of pitch to wavelength ratios (P* = 1, 2, and 3) and amplitude to wavelength ratio(A*) of 0.25. As reported in Razzak et al. [“Numerical study of Taylor Couette flow with longitudinal corrugated surface,” Phys. Fluids 32(5), 053606 (2020)], emergence of naturally occurring-oscillating ASF induced by longitudinal-corrugated surface in TCF (TCFLongitudinal) and increasing trend on its magnitude with Reynolds number (Re) results in the occurrence of drag reduction. This has motivated us to study the possibility of enhancing drag reduction by maintaining a consistently increasing trend with Re in the magnitude of naturally occurring-oscillating ASF induced by the helical-corrugated surface on the stationary outer cylinder in TCF. From flow structures, steady ASF with non-zero mean is observed at Re = 60, which suppresses the strength of azimuthal vorticities for Re > 85, and contributed to the occurrence of drag reduction. As Re is increased to 100, 90, and 85 for P* = 1, 2, and 3, respectively, the formation of periodic oscillating ASF with non-zero mean and its increasing trend in magnitude with Re suppresses azimuthal vorticities further, which contributes to the maximum drag reduction of 13%. For Re > 165, 145, and 140 for P* = 1, 2, and 3, respectively, non-periodic oscillating ASF is observed, and its magnitude remains nearly unchanged or decreases slightly with Re, which results in the suppression effect of azimuthal vortices to be weaker. This results in the decrease in the drag reduction.

期刊Physics of Fluids
出版狀態Published - 1 8月 2023


深入研究「Drag reduction study of naturally occurring oscillating axial flow induced by helical corrugated surface in Taylor-Couette flow」主題。共同形成了獨特的指紋。
