Determination of purine contents in alcoholic beverages commonly retailed in Taiwan

C. T. Hwang*, I. F. Mao, M. L. Chen


研究成果: Article同行評審


Objectives: The purpose of this study was to determine the purine content in commercial alcoholic beverages retailed in Taiwanese domestic markets. Methods: Sixteen kinds of alcoholic beverages were measured for purine content using high performance liquid chromatography. Results: We found that fermented liquors and liqueurs contained purines, whereas none were found in distilled liquors. The highest purine content of the alcoholic beverages sampled was found in Shaohsing wine with an average of 13.57 mg/100mL, and hypoxanthine dominated the purine content. Guanine was the highest purine base in eight kinds of beer that had a mean total purine content of 7.05 mg/100mL. The total purine content in Paolyta B liqueur was 6.80mg/100mL, and the total was even lower in Taiwan aborigines' Millet wine with a value of 2.19mg/100mL, but with the lowest pH value of all the sampled alcoholic beverages. The purine/alcohol ratio of most beers was higher than that in other alcoholic beverages sampled. This means that for the same quantity of alcohol ingested, the purine content of beer is higher than other alcoholic beverages. Conclusions: Although alcoholic beverages retailed in Taiwan contain a lower concentration of purine base, drinking six or more cans (354mL/can) of beer with a mean purine content of 7.05 mg/100mL is equal to ingesting 150mg or more of purines. This may increase the risk of suffering from hyperuricemia and gout. This study also suggested that moderate drinkers need to select foods cautiously, choosing those which contain low purines.

頁(從 - 到)130-137
期刊Chinese Journal of Public Health
出版狀態Published - 4月 2000


深入研究「Determination of purine contents in alcoholic beverages commonly retailed in Taiwan」主題。共同形成了獨特的指紋。
