Crosstalk-Insensitive Via-Programming ROMs Using Content-Aware Design Framework

Meng Fan Chang, Lih Yih Chiou, Kuei-Ann Wen

    研究成果: Article同行評審

    8 引文 斯高帕斯(Scopus)


    Various code patterns of a via-programming read only memory (ROM) cause significant fluctuations in coupling noise between bitlines (BLs). This crosstalk between BLs leads to read failure in high-speed via-programmable ROMs and limits the coverage of applicable code patterns. This work presents a content-aware design framework (CADF) for via-programming ROMs to overcome the crosstalk induced read failure. The CADF ROMs employ a content-aware structure and correspondent code-structure programming algorithm to reduce the amount of coupling noise source while maintaining nonminimal BL load for crosstalk reduction. A 256-Kb conventional ROM and a 256-Kb CADF ROM were fabricated using a 0.25-μm logic CMOS process. The measured results ascertain that the read induced read failure is suppressed significantly by CADF. The CADF ROM also reduced 86.2% and 94.5% in power consumption and standby current compared to the conventional ROM, respectively.

    頁(從 - 到)443-447
    期刊IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers
    出版狀態Published - 1 1月 2006


    深入研究「Crosstalk-Insensitive Via-Programming ROMs Using Content-Aware Design Framework」主題。共同形成了獨特的指紋。
