Conventional vs unconventional magnetic polarons: ZnMnTe/ZnSe and ZnTe/ZnMnSe quantum dots

B. Barman, Y. Tsai, T. Scrace, J. R. Murphy, A. N. Cartwright, J. M. Pientka, I. Zutic, B. D. McCombe, A. Petrou, I. R. Sellers, R. Oszwaldowski, A. Petukhov, W. C. Fan, Wu-Ching Chou, C. S. Yang

研究成果: Conference contribution同行評審


We used time resolved photoluminescence (TRPL) spectroscopy to compare the properties of magnetic polarons in two related, spatially indirect, II-VI epitaxially grown quantum dot systems. In sample A (ZnMnTe/ZnSe), the photo-excited holes are confined in the magnetic ZnMnTe quantum dots (QDs), while the electrons remain in the surrounding non-magnetic ZnSe matrix. In sample B (ZnTe/ZnMnSe) on the other hand, the holes are confined in the non-magnetic ZnTe QDs and the electrons move in the magnetic ZnMnSe matrix. The magnetic polaron formation energies, EMP, in these samples were measured from the temporal red-shift of the excitonic emission peak. The magnetic polarons in the two samples exhibit distinct characteristics. In sample A, the magnetic polaron is strongly bound with EMP = 35 meV. Furthermore, EMP has unconventionally weak dependence of on both temperature T and magnetic field Bappl. In contrast, magnetic polarons in sample B show conventional characteristics with EMP decreasing with increasing temperature and increasing external magnetic field. We attribute the difference in magnetic polaron properties between the two types of QDs to the difference in the location of the Mn ions in the respective structures.

主出版物標題Spintronics VII
編輯Henri-Jean Drouhin, Jean-Eric Wegrowe, Manijeh Razeghi
出版狀態Published - 2014
事件Spintronics VII - San Diego, 美國
持續時間: 17 8月 201421 8月 2014


名字Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering


ConferenceSpintronics VII
城市San Diego


深入研究「Conventional vs unconventional magnetic polarons: ZnMnTe/ZnSe and ZnTe/ZnMnSe quantum dots」主題。共同形成了獨特的指紋。
