Comparison of performance in GaN-HEMTs on thin SiC substrate and sapphire substrates

Tsung Po Chuang, Niall Tumilty, Chia Hao Yu, Ray Hua Horng*


研究成果: Article同行評審

1 引文 斯高帕斯(Scopus)


We have investigated the electrical properties of GaN-based high electron mobility transistors (HEMT) on N+-type 4H SiC substrates and on sapphire substrate as a reference. The three-terminal off-state breakdown voltage (BV) as a function of gate-drain spacing (LGD) was measured. Both devices possess superior Baliga figure of merit parameters (BFOM= BV3/Ron). For GaN/Sapphire with LGD of 10 μm, Ron is 14.65 mΩ·cm2 and the corresponding BFOM yields a remarkably high value of 9.88 × 108 V2·Ω−1·cm−2. Conversely, GaN/N+ SiC with 20 μm LGD exhibited an Ron of 43.23 mΩ·cm2 and a BFOM value of 1.55 × 107 V2·Ω−1·cm−2. In addition, we perform AFM, XRD, SEM and TEM analysis to further explore the differences in the DC-current properties for these two distinct substrates. The XRD FWHM scales with surface roughness, moreover grain boundaries for GaN-based HEMTs grown on SiC are more distinct compared to Sapphire substrate. This study provide valuable insight into the structural and morphological disparities that may contribute to the observed variations in device performance.

頁(從 - 到)1117-1124
期刊Chinese Journal of Physics
出版狀態Published - 8月 2024


深入研究「Comparison of performance in GaN-HEMTs on thin SiC substrate and sapphire substrates」主題。共同形成了獨特的指紋。
