Characterization of the univariate and multivariate techniques on the analysis of simulated and fMRI datasets with visual task

C. L. Chen, T. H. Wu, Y. T. Wu, Y. H. Huang, J. S. Lee*


研究成果: Conference article同行評審

1 引文 斯高帕斯(Scopus)


Current analytical techniques applied to functional MRI (fMRI) data may be generally divided into two parts: univariate and multivariate techniques. It is therefore our attempt to evaluate and inter-compare their respective algorithms on simulated and fMRI visual task data sets. In this study, the two representative univariate approaches, including the correlation and the specified-resolution wavelet analytical methods, and three multivariate based independent component analysis (ICA) approaches; including the Infomax ICA, the Fast ICA, and the JADE ICA are used for the purposes. Two simulated spatial sources with different time courses and noise levels and one fMRI dataset with visual task were employed for inter-comparisons. Strategies for quantifying the performance of these techniques, the correlation analysis and receiver operating characteristics (ROC) are used to evaluate their respective accuracies on estimated time-courses and spatial layouts from the simulated and the fMRI visual task dataset In our results, it demonstrates that the multivariate techniques generally outperformed the univariate techniques, among which the Fast ICA performs satisfactory well on temporal and spatial accuracy.

頁(從 - 到)2468-2472
期刊IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium Conference Record
出版狀態Published - 10月 2003
事件2003 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium Conference Record - Nuclear Science Symposium, Medical Imaging Conference - Portland, OR, United States
持續時間: 19 10月 200325 10月 2003


深入研究「Characterization of the univariate and multivariate techniques on the analysis of simulated and fMRI datasets with visual task」主題。共同形成了獨特的指紋。
