Career commitment as a moderator of the relationships among procedural justice, perceived organizational support, organizational commitment, and turnover intentions

Chieh-Peng Lin, Mei-Fang Chen

研究成果: Article同行評審


This study proposed theoretical model for examining the turnover intentions (TI) process using career commitment as a moderator. In the model, TI are directly influenced by organizational commitment (OC) and procedural justice (PJ), while both PJ and perceived organizational support (POS) also influence TI indirectly through the mediation of OC. These causal relationships are moderated by career commitment, since career commitment affects individual behavior. The moderating effects were simultaneously examined using the data of a random sample of 298 staff from six large hospitals in metropolitan Taipei, Taiwan. The statistical test results reveal that the influences of POS and PJ on OC, and of OC on TI, are similar for both the high and low career commitment groups, while the influence of PJ on TI is stronger for the high career commitment group than the low career commitment group. Finally, the implications of the above findings are discussed.
頁(從 - 到)519 - 538
期刊Asia Pacific Management Review
出版狀態Published - 2004


深入研究「Career commitment as a moderator of the relationships among procedural justice, perceived organizational support, organizational commitment, and turnover intentions」主題。共同形成了獨特的指紋。
