Bayesian analysis for fault location in homogeneous distributed systems

Yu Lo Cyrus Chang*, Leslie C. Lander, Horng Shing Lu, Martin T. Wells


研究成果: Conference contribution同行評審

6 引文 斯高帕斯(Scopus)


We propose a simple and practical probabilistic comparison-based model, employing multiple incomplete test concepts, for handling fault location in distributed systems using a Bayesian analysis procedure. This approach is more practical and complete than previous ones since it does not assume any conditions such as permanently faulty units, complete tests, perfect environments, or non-malicious environments. Fault-free systems are handled without overhead, hence the test procedure may be used to monitor a functioning system. Given a system S with a specific test graph, the corresponding conditional distribution between the comparison test results (syndrome) and the fault patterns of S can be generated. To avoid the complex global Bayesian estimation process, we develop a simple bitwise Bayesian (B-) algorithm for fault location in S, which locates system failures with linear complexity, suitable for hard real-time systems.

主出版物標題Proc 12th Symp Reliab Distrib Syst
編輯 Anon
發行者Publ by IEEE
出版狀態Published - 1 12月 1993
事件Proceedings of the 12th Symposium on Reliable Distributed Systems - Princeton, NJ, USA
持續時間: 6 10月 19938 10月 1993


名字Proc 12th Symp Reliab Distrib Syst


ConferenceProceedings of the 12th Symposium on Reliable Distributed Systems
城市Princeton, NJ, USA


深入研究「Bayesian analysis for fault location in homogeneous distributed systems」主題。共同形成了獨特的指紋。
