Bank management expertise and asset securitization policies

Tsung Kang Chen*, Hsien Hsing Liao, Jing Syuan Ye


研究成果: Article同行評審

7 引文 斯高帕斯(Scopus)


We explore how the expertise of a bank holding company's management team affects its asset securitization policies. We find management team members with an MBA degree and top management experience securitize more low risk loans while those with core functional executive positions securitize fewer high risk loans. In addition, internal liquidity, governance quality, and risk management quality moderate these effects. Moreover, risk management concerns are the main driver of the negative effect of the percentage of core functional executives on asset securitization. We also provide evidence that core functional executives deem securitized mortgage loans riskier after the subprime crisis.

期刊Journal of Banking and Finance
出版狀態Published - 12月 2019


深入研究「Bank management expertise and asset securitization policies」主題。共同形成了獨特的指紋。
