Applying the Kano model to investigate the quality of transportation services at mega events

Mu-Chen Chen, Chia Lin Hsu*, Chun Han Huang


研究成果: Article同行評審

29 引文 斯高帕斯(Scopus)


The opportunity to host international sporting events is an important milestone for advanced countries, and transportation services play a significant role at such events. This study applies the Kano model to evaluate passengers’ satisfaction with each service element at a mega event. Furthermore, it explores various transportation modes (i.e., buses and cars) according to passenger group (collectively and individually), and accordingly, ranks service elements requiring improvement. The findings show that sufficient transportation services to the desired destination are considered a fundamental service at a mega sport event. Although the ability of drivers to communicate in English is neither demanded nor anticipated, they are expected to be friendly towards passengers. Compared with car passengers, bus passengers place greater value on clear transportation information, sufficient transportation frequency, and other internet-related functions such as free Wi-Fi on the bus and free apps for transportation reservations and destination navigation. Good complaint management, straightforward reservation systems, vehicle tidiness, sufficient transportation frequency, and clear transportation information are considered critical services. Organizers must therefore prioritize these services for improvement.

期刊Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services
出版狀態Published - 5月 2021


深入研究「Applying the Kano model to investigate the quality of transportation services at mega events」主題。共同形成了獨特的指紋。
