Analyzing the latent emotional transfer pattern (LETP) of a learning community in an online peer-assessment activity

Huei Tse Hou*, Kun-Hung Cheng


研究成果: Article同行評審

8 引文 斯高帕斯(Scopus)


The effectiveness and practical use of latent emotional transfer pattern (LETP) in an online peer-assessment activity is examined. The participants in this study were 65 college students in a multimedia production course in northern Taiwan. The students were required to produce a film on a certain topic as a group project. The students were divided into 21 groups with two or three students per group. Each group was asked to provide a URL that linked to their film and a description of their work on the forum. Each group was then asked to view the other groups' films and provide peer-assessment comments and responses. To assess the emotional state of participants who posted comments, a column was added to the interface that asked the students to describe how they felt. It was found that the most positive emotions remained stable. Most of the neutral emotions also remained stable, but some emotions in the neutral-emotion block moved downward or to the negative-emotion block.

期刊British Journal of Educational Technology
出版狀態Published - 1 7月 2012


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