Amorphous indium Gallium Zinc oxide thin film transistors with different source/drain electrodes

Gao Ming Wu, Yi Shin Chu*, Yi Teh Chou, Han Ping D. Shieh, Li Feng Teng, Po-Tsun Liu, Chi Neng Mo, Mei Tsao Chiang, Huai An Li


研究成果: Paper同行評審


In this paper, amorphous Indium Gallium Zinc Oxide Thin Film Transistors (a-IGZO TFTs) with four different kinds of source and drain electrode materials were investigated for comparison of electrical characteristics and the influence of interaction with environment without passivation layer of the a-IGZO thin film. The four kinds of materials are Al, Au, ITO and Ti. The electrical characteristics of each material were compared and analyzed in order to find an optimized electrical performance. The contact resistance of each metal was also extracted. As a result, Titanium has the lowest contact resistance. ITO is stable in the environment according to the small shift of threshold voltage.

出版狀態Published - 2009
事件2009 International Display Manufacturing Conference, 3D Systems and Applications, and Asia Display, IDMC/3DSA/Asia Display 2009 - Taipei, 台灣
持續時間: 27 4月 200930 4月 2009


Conference2009 International Display Manufacturing Conference, 3D Systems and Applications, and Asia Display, IDMC/3DSA/Asia Display 2009


深入研究「Amorphous indium Gallium Zinc oxide thin film transistors with different source/drain electrodes」主題。共同形成了獨特的指紋。
