A performance guide for major risk factors control in patients with atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease in Taiwan

Yi Heng Li, Jaw Wen Chen, Tsung Hsien Lin, Yu Chen Wang, Chau Chung Wu, Hung I. Yeh, Chin Chou Huang, Kuan Cheng Chang, Cho Kai Wu, Po Wei Chen, Chen Wei Huang, Zhih Cherng Chen, Wei Ting Chang, Wei Chun Huang, Chih Yuan Wang, Mei Yueh Lee, A. Ching Chao, Wei Ren Fu, Li Kai Tsai, Sung Chun TangHsin Lung Chan, Yi Ching Yang, Yen Wen Wu, Juey Jen Hwang, Jiunn Lee Lin*


研究成果: Review article同行評審

11 引文 斯高帕斯(Scopus)


Atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease (ASCVD), including coronary artery disease, cerebrovascular disease, and peripheral artery disease, carries a high morbidity and mortality. Risk factor control is especially important for patients with ASCVD to reduce recurrent cardiovascular events. Clinical guidelines have been developed by the Taiwan Society of Cardiology, Taiwan Society of Lipids and Atherosclerosis, and Diabetes Association of Republic of China (Taiwan) to assist health care professionals in Taiwan about the control of hypertension, hypercholesterolemia and diabetes mellitus. This article is to highlight the recommendations about blood pressure, cholesterol, and sugar control for ASCVD. Some medications that are beneficial for ASCVD were also reviewed. We hope the clinical outcomes of ASCVD can be improved in Taiwan through the implementation of these recommendations.

頁(從 - 到)674-684
期刊Journal of the Formosan Medical Association
出版狀態Published - 3月 2020


深入研究「A performance guide for major risk factors control in patients with atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease in Taiwan」主題。共同形成了獨特的指紋。
