A Novel Dressing Composed of Adipose Stem Cells and Decellularized Wharton’s Jelly Facilitated Wound Healing and Relieved Lymphedema by Enhancing Angiogenesis and Lymphangiogenesis in a Rat Model

Jen Her Lu, Kai Hsia, Chih Kuan Su, Yi Hsiang Pan, Hsu Ma, Shih Hwa Chiou, Chih Hsun Lin*


研究成果: Article同行評審

4 引文 斯高帕斯(Scopus)


Lymphedema causes tissue swelling due to the accumulation of lymphatic fluid in the tissue, which delays the process of wound-healing. Developing effective treatment options of lymphedema is still an urgent issue. In this study, we aim to fabricate tissue-engineered moist wound dressings with adipose stem cells (ASCs) and decellularized Wharton’s jelly (dWJ) from the human umbilical cord in order to ameliorate lymphedema. Rat ASCs were proliferated and an apparent layer was observed on dWJ at day 7 and 14. A rat tail lymphedema model was developed to evaluate the efficacy of the treatment. Approximately 1 cm of skin near the base of the rat tail was circularly excised. The wounds were treated by secondary healing (control) (n = 5), decellularized Wharton’s jelly (n = 5) and ASC-seeded dWJ (n = 5). The wound-healing rate and the tail volume were recorded once a week from week one to week five. Angiogenesis and lymphangiogenesis were assessed by immunochemistry staining with anti-CD31 and anti-LYVE1. The results showed that the wound-healing rate was faster and the tail volume was lesser in the ASC-seeded dWJ group than in the control group. More CD31+ and LYVE-1+ cells were observed at the wound-healing area in the ASC-seeded dWJ group than in the control group. This proves that tissue-engineered moist wound dressings can accelerate wound-healing and reduce lymphedema by promoting angiogenesis and lymphangiogenesis.

期刊Journal of Functional Biomaterials
出版狀態Published - 2月 2023


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