A lossy substrate model for sub-100nm, super-100 GHz fT RF CMOS noise extraction and modeling

Jyh-Chyurn Guo*, Y. M. Lin


    研究成果: Conference article同行評審

    4 引文 斯高帕斯(Scopus)


    A lossy substrate model is developed to accurately simulate the measured RF noise of 80 nm, super-100 GHz fT nMOSFETs. Substrate RLC network built in the model plays a key role responsible for the nonlinear frequency response of noise in 1-18 GHz regime, which didn't follow the typical thermal noise theory. Good match with the measured S-parameters, Y-parameters, and NFmin before de-embedding proves the lossy substrate model. The intrinsic RF noise can be extracted easily and precisely by the lossy substrate de-embedding using circuit simulation. The accuracy has been justified by good agreement in terms of Id, gm, Y-parameters, and f T under wide range of bias conditions and operating frequencies. The extracted intrinsic NFmin as low as 0.6-0.7dB at 10GHz indicates the advantages of super-100 GHz fT offered by the sub-100nm multi-finger nMOS. The frequency dependence of noise resistance Rn suggests the substrate RC coupling induced excess channel thermal noise apparent in 1-10 GHz regime. The study provides useful guideline for low noise and low power design by using sub-100nm RF CMOS technology.

    頁(從 - 到)145-148
    期刊Digest of papers - IEEE Radio Frequency Integrated Circuits Symposium
    出版狀態Published - 2005
    事件2005 IEEE Radio Frequency Integrated Circuits (RFIC) Symposium - Digest of Papers - Long Beach, CA, 美國
    持續時間: 12 6月 200514 6月 2005


    深入研究「A lossy substrate model for sub-100nm, super-100 GHz fT RF CMOS noise extraction and modeling」主題。共同形成了獨特的指紋。
