
林 素華, Mei-Wun Tsai, Shwn-Jen Lee, 林 青松

研究成果: Article


Background and Purpose: Persons with mental retardation usually have lower levels of physical activity and cardiopulmonary endurance. It is also observed that students with mental retardation are easily suffered from upper airway infection. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of an 18-week, school-based physical activity intervention program on cardiopulmonary endurance and the sick leaves in children with mental retardation. Methods: Thirty-two children (7-12 years old) with mild or moderate mental retardation were recruited and assigned into the experimental and the control groups. The experimental group (Exp, n=18) participated in an 18-week physical activity intervention program in addition to regular school courses and the control group (Cont, n=14) participated only the regular school courses. Main outcome measures included the 6-minute walk test for assessment of the cardiopulmonary endurance at pre-and post-intervention, and the amount of days due to sick leaves during the period of 18-week intervention for each subject. Results: The changes in 6-minute walking distance from pre-intervention, controlling by the pre-intervention values, were significantly different between the two groups (Exp: 15.0±64.5 m vs Cont: -88.2±104.9 m, p=0.004). There was no significant difference in sick leaves between the two groups (Exp: 0.8±1.0 days vs Cont: 2.2±3.8 days, p>0.05). Conclusion: The 18-week, school-based physical activity intervention program was beneficial for cardiovascular fitness, but not for sick leaves in children with mental retardation.
貢獻的翻譯標題Effectiveness of a School-Based Physical Activity Intervention Program on Cardiopulmonary Endurance and Sick Leaves in Children with Mental Retardation
頁(從 - 到)182-190
出版狀態Published - 1 6月 2006


  • 身體活動
  • 學校
  • 心肺耐力
  • 智能障礙
  • 兒童


