
岑 秋良, 郭 健中, 陳 健驊, 陳 燕嘉, 侯 甚光, 周 上琳, Wei-Fong Kao, David-Hung-Tsang Yen, Mu-Shun Huang, 黃 俊一, Chen-Hsen Lee

研究成果: Article


Purpose: To examine the characteristics of patients who sought medical care during the 2001 Baseball World Cup, as well as the need for emergency medical services.
Materials and Methods: During the 2001 Baseball World Cup, trained medical personnel at both the player’s medical station and the guest’s medical station of the 6,500-seat Hsin-Jhuang Baseball Park used the pre-designed Patient Treatment Form to collect patients’ data, for the purpose of understanding the patient’s condition and the need for emergency medical services, so proper treatment may be given in a timely manner to protect the safety of the players, workers and spectators.
Results: During the 10 days of the Baseball World Cup games between November 7, 2001 and November 18, 2001, 40 patients received treatment at Hsin-Jhuang Baseball Park. About 0.225% of the total participants of 17,746 used the medical services. There were 3 female patients (7.5%) and 37 male patients (92.5%). 29 (72.5%) were players, 6 (15%) were staff workers, and 5 (12.5%) were viewers. There were 6 Taiwan nationalities (15%), of which 3 were viewers, 2 were workers, and 1 was a pedestrian outside the ballpark. There were 34 foreign nationalities, of which 29 were players and 5 were workers. During this 20-game tournament, 3.02% of the players used the medical services. All 29 player-patients were foreign nationalities. No domestic players showed up at the medical station for medical assistance. Significantly more foreign players took advantage of the medical services. (P<0.001)
Conclusions: Significantly more foreign players have sought medical services at Hsin-Jhuang Baseball Park during the Baseball World Cup games. Most of the cases were minor concerns that can be handled by personnel who have received training of basic emergency medical technician. But, a few required the attention of medical staff who have receive training of advanced life support.
貢獻的翻譯標題Characteristics of Patients at a World Cup Baseball Games
頁(從 - 到)297-305
出版狀態Published - 6月 2004


  • 棒球賽
  • 大型活動
  • 緊急醫療救護


