1993/12-1994/10 工研院電通所數位訊號處理部工程師
1994/8~2001/7 國立聯合技術學院電子工程系副教授
1996/8~1999/7 國立聯合技術學院電子工程系主任
2003/08-2011/07 國立中正大學資訊工程學系教授
2009/08-2011/07 國立中正大學資訊工程學系系主任
2005/8~2008/7 國立中正大學SOC中心主任
2011/08-迄今 國立交通大學電子工程學系/電子研究所教授
2017/6-迄今 國立交通大學特聘教授
2017/2-迄今 國立交通大學電機學院副院長
2016/5-2019/2 國立交通大學SOC中心主任
2012/8-2015/7 國立交通大學電子研究所所長
- Winning the 2018 MOST Future Technology Show, Highlight Technology Award (Topic: ezLabel, embedded AI technology, self-driving wheelchair), Oct. 2018;
- Winning the 2018 MOST AISlander Show Award (From data to edge AI), August 2018;
- Winning the 2018 MXIC Design Contest Adviser Award and Bronze Award (Topic: Intelligent Self-driving Wheelchair), July 2018;
- Winning the 2018 MOE IC Design Contest, Standard Cell Category Good Design Award, June 2018;
- · Winning the Audi Innovation Award Taiwan WeMo Scooter Prize and Audi HQ prize (Topic: ezLabel), June 2018;
- Winning the 2018 MOST Technology Licensing Contribution Award (Topic: ADAS), March 2018;
- Winning the 2018 MOST Best Industrial-Academia Consortium Award, March 2018;
- Winning the 2017 ARM Design Contest award, July 2017;
- Winning the 2017 Adviser Award and Bronze Award of 2017 MXIC Design Contest (Stand By You-Deep Learning based ADAS System), July 2017;
- Winning the MOST Outstanding Research Award, June 2017;
- Winning the 2016 Adviser Award and Bronze Award of 2016 MXIC Design Contest (A performance scalable low-power video stitching endoscope system for MIS surgery), July 2016;
- Winning the Good Design Award of the MOE 2015 Intelligent System Design Contest, July 2015;
- Winning the Top 10 Projects Award of MOST Industrial-Academic Consortium Projects (Intelligent vision processing design consulting and service project), 2013 and 2014;
- Winning the Best Adviser Award and Silver Award of 2014 MXIC Design Contest (Low-Power System Validation Using Manageable Variable Supply Voltages Technique), July 2014;
- Winning three 2014 MOE Intelligent System Design Contest Awards, July 2014;
- Winning the Outstanding Professor Award of the Chinese Institute of Engineers, April 2014;
- Winning the 2013 National Invention Silver Award, Sept. 2013;
- Winning the 2013 Best Adviser Award, Gold Award, and Best Innovation Award of 2013 MXIC Design Contest(A 0.57nJ/Pixel Video-Recording SoC), July 2013;
- Winning the two MOE Intelligent System Design Contest Awards, July 2013;
- Winning the 2012 National Invention Silver Award, Sept. 2012;
- Winning the Adviser Award and Bronze Award of 2012 MXIC Design Contest (Scalable multiple decoding core architecture for flexible viewing angles), July 2012;
- Winning the three MOE Intelligent System Design Contest Awards, July 2012;
- Winning the Best Design Award of 2011 ASPDAC University LSI Design Contest (A H.264/MPEG-2 Dual Mode Video Decoder Chip Supporting Temporal/Spatial Scalable Video), Jan. 2011;
- Winning the Best Adviser Award and Gold Award of 2011 MXIC Design Contest(A Panoramic Video Stitching processing Technology for Automotive), July 2011;
- Winning the Outstanding Engineering Professor Award of the 2008 Chinese Institute of Electrical Engineering (CIEE), Oct. 2010;
- Winning the Best Feature Award of 2010 Embedded System Design Contest, Innovative design category (A 3-D Interactive Remote Multimedia System), June 2010;
- Winning the Best Adviser Award of 2009 MXIC Design Contest (A ultra low voltage high definition dual mode video decoder for portable multimedia applications), July 2009;
- Winning the Award of 2009 MXIC Design Contest (A ultra low voltage high definition dual mode video decoder for portable multimedia applications), July 2009;
- Winning the Best Feature Award of 2009 Embedded System Design Contest, HW/SW Co-design category (A 3-D Stereo Video Player), June 2009;
- Winning the University Industrial Contribution Award of Minister of Economic Affairs, Oct. 2008;
- Winning the Bronze Award of TSMC Outstanding Student Research Award (A 252K Gates/71mW Multi-Standard Multi-Channel Video Decoder for High Definition Video), Aug. 2008;
- Winning the Best Adviser Award of 2008 MXIC Design Contest (A H.264/MPEG-2 dual-mode video decoder for HDTV applications), July 2008;
- Winning the Bronze Award of 2008 MXIC Design Contest (A H.264/MPEG-2 dual-mode video decoder for HDTV applications), July 2008;
- Winning the Outstanding Engineering Professor Award of the 2008 Chinese Institute of Electrical Engineering (CIEE) Tai-Chung Section, July 2008;
- Winning the Third place of 2008 Phoenix-Cup IC Design Contest (Low Voltage H.264 High Profile/MPEG2 Main Profile Dual-Mode Video Decoder Chip), July 2008;
- Winning the Annual Paper Award of Prof. Wen-Zen Shen Memorial Award (A 160K gates/4.5KB SRAM H.264 Video Decoder for HDTV Applications), Aug. 2007.
- Winning the Outstanding Research Award of National Chung-Cheng University, Dec. 2006;
- Winning the Award of 44th DAC/ISSCC Student Design Contest, Operational Chip Design Category (252Kgates/4.9Kbytes SRAM/71mW Multi-Standard Video Decoder for High Definition Video Applications), July 2007;
- Winning the Annual Paper Award of 2006 Prof. Wen-Zen Shen Memorial Award (An Energy-Aware IP Core Design for the Variable-Length DCT/IDCT Targeting at MPEG4 Shape-Adaptive Transforms), Aug. 2006.
- Winning the First Prize Award of 2006 Phoenix-Cup IC Design Contest (A Multi-mode Multi-Channel Video Decoder (MMVD)), July 2006;
- Winning the Third Prize Award of 2006 Phoenix-Cup IC Design Contest (A Quality-Scalable H.264 Video Encoder), July 2006;
- Winning the Best Adviser Award of 2006 Phoenix-Cup IC Design Contest (A Multi-mode Multi-Channel Video Decoder (MMVD)), July 2006;
- Winning the Best Adviser Award of 2006 MXIC Design Contest (Low-cost high performance H.264 video decoder IP for HDTV Applications), June 2006;
- Winning the Bronze Award of 2006 MXIC Design Contest (Low-cost high performance H.264 video decoder IP for HDTV Applications), June 2006;
- Winning the First Prize Award of 2006 SIP Design Contest, Soft IP category (A Low-power Multi-mode Video Decoder IP), June 2006;
- Winning the Third Prize Award of 43rd DAC/ISSCC Student Design Contest, Operational Chip Design Category (A 160K gates/4.5KB SRAM H.264 Video Decoder for HDTV Applications), July 2006;
- Winning the Second Prize Award of 2005 SIP Design Contest, Soft IP category (A Reconfigurable IP Core Design for Power-Aware Multi-Transform in H.264─MTSPS IP core), June 2005;
- Winning the Good Design Award of 2005 IC Design Contest, Xilinx FPGA category, June 2005;
- Winning the Best Originality Award of 2005 AT-CHIP Design Contest (Intelligent Voice-Controlled Digital Framework), March 2005;
- Winning the First Prize Award of 2004 National SOC Design Contest, SIP category (A Platform-based High Performance MPEG-4 Video Decoder SIP), Oct. 2004;
- Winning the Second Prize Award of 2004 National SOC Design Contest, SIP category (Multi-MPEG Playing System), Oct. 2004;
- Winning the 2004 Distinguished Engineer Award of Chinese Electrical Engineering Association, Dec. 2004;
- Winning the Third Prize Award of 2004 SIP Design Contest, Soft IP category (An energy-aware transform coding IP for JPEG/MPEG-1/2/4/H.264 video coding applications), June 2004;
- Winning the Good Design Award of 2004 IC Design Contest, Xilinx FPGA category, June 2004;
- Winning the Second Prize Award of 2004 Embedded Software Design Contest, SOC platform category (JPEG CODEC on NIOS), May 2004;
- Winning the 2003 MXIC Young Professor Award, Dec. 2003;
- Winning the Good Design Award of 2003 SIP Design Contest, Soft IP category (A parameterized 1-D DFT/IDFT IP design), June 2003;
- Winning the Good Design Award of 2003 IC Design Contest, Xilinx FPGA category, June 2003;
Logic Design
Embedded System Design Lab
Introduction to Machine Learning
Intelligent System Design
FPGA System
與 UN SDG 相關的專業知識
聯合國會員國於 2015 年同意 17 項全球永續發展目標 (SDG),以終結貧困、保護地球並確保全體的興盛繁榮。此人的作品有助於以下永續發展目標:
PhD, 電子工程, 國立陽明交通大學
- 1 類似的個人檔案
邁向無動件之智慧車用光達-子計畫三:支援 TOF感測訊號 AI物件偵測之深度學習加速器系統設計
Guo, J.-I. (PI)
1/08/24 → 31/07/25
研究計畫: Other Government Ministry Institute
邁向無動件之智慧車用光達-子計畫三:支援 TOF感測訊號 AI物件偵測之深度學習加速器系統設計
Guo, J.-I. (PI)
1/08/23 → 31/07/24
研究計畫: Other Government Ministry Institute
邁向無動件之智慧車用光達-子計畫三:支援 TOF感測訊號 AI物件偵測之深度學習加速器系統設計
Guo, J.-I. (PI)
1/08/22 → 31/07/23
研究計畫: Other Government Ministry Institute
Object Detection, Recognition, and Tracking Algorithms for ADASs—A Study on Recent Trends
Malligere Shivanna, V. & Guo, J. I., 1月 2024, 於: Sensors. 24, 1, 249.研究成果: Review article › 同行評審
開啟存取9 引文 斯高帕斯(Scopus) -
360° Map Establishment and Real-Time Simultaneous Localization and Mapping Based on Equirectangular Projection for Autonomous Driving Vehicles
Lin, B. H., Shivanna, V. M., Chen, J. S. & Guo, J. I., 6月 2023, 於: Sensors. 23, 12, 5560.研究成果: Article › 同行評審
開啟存取1 引文 斯高帕斯(Scopus) -
Asynchronous Multi-Task Learning Based on One Stage YOLOR Algorithm
Liou, C. F., Lee, T. H. & Guo, J. I., 2023, 2023 IEEE 32nd International Symposium on Industrial Electronics, ISIE 2023 - Proceedings. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., (IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics; 卷 2023-June).研究成果: Conference contribution › 同行評審
3 引文 斯高帕斯(Scopus) -
Deep Learning Derived Object Detection and Tracking Technology Based on Sensor Fusion of Millimeter-Wave Radar/Video and Its Application on Embedded Systems
Lin, J. J., Guo, J. I., Shivanna, V. M. & Chang, S. Y., 3月 2023, 於: Sensors. 23, 5, 2746.研究成果: Article › 同行評審
開啟存取8 引文 斯高帕斯(Scopus) -
Multi-Scale Dynamic Fixed-Point Quantization and Training for Deep Neural Networks
Chen, P. Y., Lin, H. C. & Guo, J. I., 2023, ISCAS 2023 - 56th IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, Proceedings. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., (Proceedings - IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems; 卷 2023-May).研究成果: Conference contribution › 同行評審
1 引文 斯高帕斯(Scopus)