Chou, H. T., Lee, C. F.,
Lo, C.-M. & Lin, C. P.,
Landslides and Engineered Slopes: Protecting Society through Improved Understanding - Proceedings of the 11th International and 2nd North American Symposium on Landslides and Engineered Slopes, 2012. Eberhardt, E., Froese, C., Turner, A. K. & Leroueil, S. (編輯).
CRC Press/Balkema,
p. 487-494 8 p. (Landslides and Engineered Slopes: Protecting Society through Improved Understanding - Proceedings of the 11th International and 2nd North American Symposium on Landslides and Engineered Slopes, 2012).
研究成果: Conference contribution › 同行評審