About NYCU
National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University was founded in 2021 through the merger of two universities: National Yang-Ming University and National Chiao Tung University. Yang Ming, which focused on biomedical research, and Chiao Tung, which focused on electronic communication research, were both top-tier universities in Taiwan. At present, NYCU has 19 colleges and 74 university/college level research centers. More information please visit NYCU homepage.
Research Highlight
NYCU is where the biomedical sciences meet information and communications technology. Our researchers are breaking down disciplinary barriers, contributing to emerging fields, and providing valuable resources for the world.
聯合國永續發展目標(Sustainable Development Goals, SDGs)包含17項目標(Goals)及169項細項目標(Targets)。17項SDGs涵蓋環境、經濟與社會等面向,展現了永續發展目標之規模與企圖心。更多資訊請到https://sdgs.nycu.edu.tw/what-is-sdgs/