Thermal behavior of AlGaN-based deep-UV LEDs

Su Hui Lin, Ming Chun Tseng, Ray Hua Horng, Shouqiang Lai, Kang Wei Peng, Meng Chun Shen, Dong Sing Wuu, Shui Yang Lien, Hao Chung Kuo, Zhong Chen, Tingzhu Wu

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11 Scopus citations


This study utilized thin p-GaN, indium tin oxide (ITO), and a reflective passivation layer (RPL) to improve the performance of deep ultra-violet light-emitting diodes (DUV-LEDs). RPL reflectors, which comprise HfO2/SiO2 stacks of different thickness to maintain high reflectance, were deposited on the DUV-LEDs with 40 nm-thick p-GaN and 12 nm-thick ITO thin films. Although the thin p-GaN and ITO films affect the operation voltage of DUV-LEDs, the highly reflective RPL structure improved the WPE and light extraction efficiency (LEE) of the DUV-LEDs, yielding the best WPE and LEE of 2.59% and 7.57%, respectively. The junction temperature of DUV-LEDs with thick p-GaN increased linearly with the injection current, while that of DUV-LEDs with thin p-GaN, thin ITO, and RPL was lower than that of the Ref-LED under high injection currents (> 500 mA). This influenced the temperature sensitive coefficients (dV/dT, dLOP/dT, and dWLP/dT). The thermal behavior of DUV-LEDs with p-GaN and ITO layers of different thicknesses with/without the RPL was discussed in detail.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)16827-16836
Number of pages10
JournalOptics Express
Issue number10
StatePublished - 9 May 2022


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