The role of information, experience and participation in building brand equity on social media

Bih Huang Jin, Yung-Ming Li

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contributionpeer-review


Social media has changed the interactive mode between business and customer, which are important factors contributing to marketing 3.0. This study is to understand how to use social media as a marketing tool to build brand for social media users, considering the influence of friends. This study used online questionnaires to collect data, and to verify the impact of these factors on brand trust, brand loyalty and brand equity. The study found the information, experience, and participation could influence brand equity through brand trust and brand loyalty.

Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationNew Advances in Information Systems and Technologies
EditorsMarcelo Mendonca Teixeira, Ana Maria Correia, Hojjat Adeli, Alvaro Rocha, Luis Paulo Reis
PublisherSpringer Verlag
Number of pages7
ISBN (Print)9783319312316
StatePublished - 2016
EventWorld Conference on Information Systems and Technologies, WorldCIST 2016 - Recife, Brazil
Duration: 22 Mar 201624 Mar 2016

Publication series

NameAdvances in Intelligent Systems and Computing
ISSN (Print)2194-5357


ConferenceWorld Conference on Information Systems and Technologies, WorldCIST 2016


  • Brand equity
  • Experience
  • Information
  • Participation
  • Social media


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