Task-oriented progressive resistance strength training improves muscle strength and functional performance in individuals with stroke

Yea Ru Yang, Ray Yau Wang*, Kuei Han Lin, Mou Yu Chu, Rai Chi Chan

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187 Scopus citations


Objective: To examine the effectiveness of task-oriented progressive resistance strength training on lower extremity strength and functional performance in chronic stroke subjects. Design: Single-blind, randomized controlled trial. Setting: Medical centre and district hospital. Subjects: Forty-eight subjects at least one year post stroke. Interventions: Participants randomly allocated to two groups, control (n = 24) and experimental (n = 24). Subjects in the control group did not receive any rehabilitation training. Subjects in the experimental group were put on a four-week task-oriented progressive resistance strength training. Main measures: Lower extremity muscle strength, gait velocity, cadence, stride length, six-minute walk test, step test, and timed up and go test. Results: Muscle strength significantly improved in the experimental group for strong side muscle groups (ranged from 23.9% to 36.5%) and paretic side muscle groups (ranged from 10.1 % to 77.9%). In the control group muscle strength changes ranged from 6.7% gain to 11.2% decline. The experimental group showed significant improvement in all selected measures of functional performance except for the step test. In the control group, the number of repetitions of the step test significantly decreased (-20.3%) with no change in other functional tests. There was a significant difference between groups for muscle strength and all functional measures. The strength gain was significantly associated with gain in the functional tests. Conclusions: The task-oriented progressive resistance strength training programme could improve lower extremity muscle strength in individuals with chronic stroke and could carry over into improvement in functional abilities.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)860-870
Number of pages11
JournalClinical Rehabilitation
Issue number10
StatePublished - 2006


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