Sleep quality mediates the relationship between lower urinary tract symptoms and health-related quality of life in women with type-II diabetes

Ching Chieh Su, Chiu Yueh Yang, Pi Chu Lin, Jawl Shan Hwang, Chun Hou Liao, Yen Kuang Lin, Yuan Mei Liao*

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Aim: To examine the mediating effect of sleep quality on the relationship between lower urinary tract symptoms and health-related quality of life in women with type-II diabetes. Design: A cross-sectional study. Methods: A study questionnaire comprising three valid instruments was used to obtain data about lower urinary tract symptoms, sleep quality and physical and mental component summary health-related quality of life between July 2017 and December 2018 (n = 343). Pearson's correlation coefficients were estimated initially to examine the relationships between the three variables. Multiple regression models were tested using a regression-based approach Hayes PROCESS macro for SPSS to examine the significance of proposed mediation effects. Results: Most participants experienced at least one urinary symptom (n = 268, 78.1%). The total number of types of lower urinary tract symptoms experienced by participants was significantly inversely correlated with physical and mental component summary health-related quality of life, and sleep quality. Participants' sleep quality was significantly correlated with physical and mental component summary health-related quality of life. The relationships of lower urinary tract symptoms with physical and mental component summary health-related quality of life were, respectively, fully and partially mediated by sleep quality. Conclusion: Sleep quality played a mediating role on the relationship between lower urinary tract symptoms and health-related quality of life. Our findings could lead to improvements of diabetes care in nursing and healthcare practices. Impact: Understanding the role of sleep quality in the adverse effects of lower urinary tract symptoms on health-related quality of life contributes to the development and delivery of appropriate strategies to promote optimal health-related quality of life. We recommended including assessments of lower urinary tract symptoms, sleep and health-related quality of life in routine diabetes management. Nurses and healthcare professionals should concurrently reduce lower urinary tract symptoms and improve sleep to achieve this population's optimal health-related quality of life. Patients or public contribution: We recruited a sample of older women with type-II diabetes at the endocrinology and metabolism outpatient departments of two hospitals. Study participants provided responses on the study questionnaires. The two hospitals provided needed supports (e.g., height/weight scales, suitable places for interview) during the data collection process.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)2316-2327
Number of pages12
JournalJournal of Advanced Nursing
Issue number6
StatePublished - Jun 2023


  • diabetes
  • health-related
  • lower urinary tract symptoms
  • nursing
  • quality of life
  • sleep
  • sleep quality


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