Safety climate at nuclear power plants in Taiwan

Shang-Hwa Hsu

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapterpeer-review


Technological and social aspects of industrial safety come under the scrutiny of scientists and engineers from an array of backgrounds. This is the third publication developed from a very fruitful, longstanding cooperation between the Institute of Social Research within the Institute of Nuclear Safety System in Japan, and the Research Center Systems Safety, Berlin University of Technology. The book presents a cross-disciplinary, state-of-the-art look at the latest human factors developments in the industry, with wider applications for the entire industrial sector. Expert contributors explore issues in four areas: emerging challenges; analytic tools; response within the industry; and public response.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationEmerging Demands for the Safety of Nuclear Power Operations
Subtitle of host publicationChallenge and Response
PublisherCRC Press
Number of pages9
ISBN (Print)9780415328340
StatePublished - Jul 2004


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