Recommended Methods to Study Resistive Switching Devices

Mario Lanza*, H. S.Philip Wong, Eric Pop, Daniele Ielmini, Dimitri Strukov, Brian C. Regan, Luca Larcher, Marco A. Villena, J. Joshua Yang, Ludovic Goux, Attilio Belmonte, Yuchao Yang, Francesco M. Puglisi, Jinfeng Kang, Blanka Magyari-Köpe, Eilam Yalon, Anthony Kenyon, Mark Buckwell, Adnan Mehonic, Alexander ShlugerHaitong Li, Tuo-Hung Hou, Boris Hudec, Deji Akinwande, Ruijing Ge, Stefano Ambrogio, Juan B. Roldan, Enrique Miranda, Jordi Suñe, Kin Leong Pey, Xing Wu, Nagarajan Raghavan, Ernest Wu, Wei D. Lu, Gabriele Navarro, Weidong Zhang, Huaqiang Wu, Runwei Li, Alexander Holleitner, Ursula Wurstbauer, Max C. Lemme, Ming Liu, Shibing Long, Qi Liu, Hangbing Lv, Andrea Padovani, Paolo Pavan, Ilia Valov, Xu Jing, Tingting Han, Kaichen Zhu, Shaochuan Chen, Fei Hui, Yuanyuan Shi

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509 Scopus citations


Resistive switching (RS) is an interesting property shown by some materials systems that, especially during the last decade, has gained a lot of interest for the fabrication of electronic devices, with electronic nonvolatile memories being those that have received the most attention. The presence and quality of the RS phenomenon in a materials system can be studied using different prototype cells, performing different experiments, displaying different figures of merit, and developing different computational analyses. Therefore, the real usefulness and impact of the findings presented in each study for the RS technology will be also different. This manuscript describes the most recommendable methodologies for the fabrication, characterization, and simulation of RS devices, as well as the proper methods to display the data obtained. The idea is to help the scientific community to evaluate the real usefulness and impact of an RS study for the development of RS technology.

Original languageEnglish
Article number1800143
JournalAdvanced Electronic Materials
Issue number1
StatePublished - Jan 2019


  • electrical characterization
  • electronic synapses
  • nanofabrication
  • resistive random-access memories
  • resistive switching


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