Priority call service on PCS networks

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

2 Scopus citations


This paper studies the 'priority call service' for personal communication services such as GSM cellular networks. With this service, a priority call request is buffered in a waiting queue if no free channel is available. The buffered request can be served as soon as free channels become available. We develop an analytic model to evaluate the performance for the priority call service. In addition, computer simulations are conducted to verify the analytic model. The results indicate that priority calls experience very low new call blocking probability, as well as low call incompletion probability at the cost of increasing the force-termination probability.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)102-112
Number of pages11
JournalTransactions of the Society for Computer Simulation
Issue number3
StatePublished - Sep 1999


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