Peritherapeutic hemodynamic changes of carotid stenting evaluated with quantitative dsa in patients with carotid stenosis

M. M.H. Teng, F. C. Chang, C. J. Lin*, L. Chiang, J. S. Hong, Y. H. Kao

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25 Scopus citations


BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: Quantitative data from DSA have become important tools for understanding hemodynamic changes of intracranial lesions. In this study, we evaluated 8 hemodynamic parameters in patients before and after carotid artery angioplasty. MATERIALSANDMETHODS: DSAimagesof34patients with carotid stenosiswhounderwentangioplastyandstentplacementwereretrospectively analyzed. Eleven ROIs (M1, M2, A1, A2, the parietal vein, superior sagittal sinus, internal jugular vein, and 4 in the ICA) were selected on color-coded DSA. Eight hemodynamic parameters (bolus arrival time, TTP, relative TTP, full width at half maximum, wash-in slope, washout slope,maximumenhancement, and area under the curve) were measured from the time-concentration curves of these ROIs. The dependent t test for paired samples was applied to these parameters before and after stent placement. RESULTS: We found that the treatment significantly reduced TTP, relative TTP, bolus arrival time, and washout slope at all arterial ROIs and full width at half maximum and area under the curve at some arterial ROIs. Bolus arrival time was significantly reduced after treatment for all arterial ROIs, the parietal vein, and the superior sagittal sinus. The maximum enhancement and wash-in slope did not show significant changes after treatment. After treatment, the relative TTP from the ICA to M1, M2, and the parietal vein returned to normal values. CONCLUSIONS: In addition to TTP and relative TTP, other parameters can be used to evaluate peritherapeutic cerebral hemodynamic changes. Bolus arrival time has the potential to evaluate brain circulation at arterial and venous sites, especially when TTP cannot be measured because of an incomplete time-concentration curve.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1883-1888
Number of pages6
JournalAmerican Journal of Neuroradiology
Issue number10
StatePublished - Oct 2016


  • AUC=area under the curve
  • BAT=bolus arrival time
  • FWHM=full width at half maximum
  • ME=maximal enhancement
  • PA=posterioranterior
  • PV=parietal vein
  • RTTP=relative TTP
  • SSS=superior sagittal sinus
  • WI=wash-in slope
  • WO=washout slope


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