Page curve of AdS-Vaidya model for evaporating black holes

Chia Jui Chou, Hans B. Lao, Yi Yang*

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4 Scopus citations


We study an evaporating black hole in the boundary conformal field theory (BCFT) model under the fully time-dependent AdS-Vaidya spacetime geometry. We introduce the time-dependent finite bath termed the effective Hawking radiation region. This is described by a nontrivial BCFT solution that acts as a time-dependent brane which we call the moving end-of-the-radiation (METR) brane that leads to a new type of Hubeny-Rangamani-Takayanagi surface. We further examine the island formulation in this particular time-dependent spacetime. The Page curve is calculated by using Holographic Entanglement Entropy (HEE) in the context of double holography.

Original languageEnglish
Article number342
JournalJournal of High Energy Physics
Issue number5
StatePublished - May 2024


  • AdS-CFT Correspondence
  • Black Holes
  • Black Holes in String Theory


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